Nov 26, 2009

Give to The Domestic Violence Hotline...

Message below from Cherl Cates CEO of National Domestic Hotline

Community of Hope

Every day I wonder what the holidays would mean if I were not surrounded by the people I love and trust most in this world: my family. This noisy, funny, feisty clan shows their love for me repeatedly with acts of generosity and acceptance, large and small, which tells me they will always be there for me, no matter what. They are my safe harbor, my community of hope.

For those of us who do not share the safe harbor of family, who fear the stress and heartbreak that holidays inevitably bring to some, you are not alone. There are communities of hope for you, and people who can help. One call to the Hotline will help you find compassion, courage, and a commitment to help. These are the beginnings of hope and a new life.

To others far more fortunate, you are in a position to help someone else, and I ask that you join the National Domestic Violence Hotline in creating communities of hope for everyone who makes that difficult call for help over the holidays. We make ourselves and everyone stronger through our compassion, courage and commitment. To give the gift of hope is to give the gift of life. Please give generously.

By Sheryl Cates
CEO, National Domestic Violence Hotline
Call The Hotline: 1−800−799−SAFE(7233)
or TTY 1−800−787−3224

If someone inspires you, consider making a donation in their name

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